New Creation- You!

Transformation Tuesday! Take a step today towards your new creation!

It could be a change in your mentality….building that mental muscle to overcome hard things.💭

It could be a physical change…working out and following your diet regularly instead of haphazardly.💪

I could be a financial change…exploring new options to create a residual income that helps you pay off debt or invest in your future. 💲

Make the effort today! And I am always here to help!❤

Natural VS Consistency

You’re a natural speaker…um no, I’m passionate about what I have to say, but I had to practice just how to say it where others could understand. 🗣

You’re a natural salesperson…um no, I learned about my products, I use my products, and I share my products because I know they will help others.👏

You’re naturally an encouraging, motitivating person…um well, I invest in personal development and pray that God uses me in such a way.🙏

My point, things don’t always come natural, but through coaching and consistently putting in the practice, they begin to become second nature.🙌

Who are you Surrounded By?

Woah!!! Insane reality by my friend!
”I just graduated college with $100,000 in debt”, but can’t get a job that remotely pays my debt… yeah, people clap, celebrate, and even hug you.

“I just got a loan for $400,000 to buy my first home”, that you really can’t afford, yeah people clap, celebrate, and even hug you.

“I just got a loan for $40,000 for a new car”, drive off the lot and the value decreases $10,000…yeah people clap celebrate and even hug you.

That’s $540,000 in total debt most people are living in (add a few hundred thousand for those living in Southern California), but they are feeling good about it because they are being celebrated for it.

Now, go tell those same people you invested a couple hundred dollars to start your own business…

“Whoa, are you sure?” ◀️
“What are you going to do if it doesn’t work?”◀️
“Umm.. I don’t think those things really work”◀️
“Do you think you can get your money back?”◀️
“I don’t believe in those things (i.e i don’t believe in you)!” ◀️

🦀 Picture a bucket full of crabs with no lid… the crabs never escape the bucket. The moment a crab tries to get out of the bucket, the other crabs pull it back down.

Pay attention to who you are surrounding yourself with and who is speaking into your life!!!

I jumped out of the bucket. I grabbed as many people that would hold on and took them with me! We are a tribe over 60 strong and we’ve never looked back.

▶️I’m sure!
▶️The products speak for themselves.
▶️Ive built a residual income
▶️my business of free to join and free to run!
▶️believing in MYSELF was all it took!

#besmart #growthisoptional #celebratesuccess #persistence #determinedhustle #freedom #choosejoy

I Sell Things

I sell things…. There, I said it.

We’ve made sales out to be such a dirty industry. But I read an incredible sentence….. “Selling is simply listening.”

When i read that from a friend, it all clicked in my head.

Selling is simply listening.

It’s listening to what someone needs.
Listening to their dreams.
Listening to what they want.

And then asking myself if that’s a need I can meet with the resources I have.

I listen to stories every single day. I get texts and messages from countless people who share their stories with me…..

•The story of a mom who feels like she lost herself in pregnancy and just wants to feel like herself in her skin again.

•The story of a college student who wants to graduate debt free because she’s seen her parents struggle and she wants more for her future.

•The story of someone who is struggling to feel better after a cancer battle. A fertility battle. An emotional battle. A weight battle… the list goes on.

•The story of a wife who has a crazy dream to retire her hardworking husband and I know that I can help her bring him home.

I’m a professional listener.

Many times, I am able to join and even change (for the better!) the story of the person I’m listening to. Sometimes I can’t.

But most of the time, I listen, I share, we lock arms—and lives get changed.

You earn the right to hear someone’s story every time you make the choice to tell yours!

So next time you write someone off because “they sell something” maybe just try telling them your story. See what pieces you can fit together.

Because absolutely everyone deserves to be heard.

And who knows—maybe, they just might be able to change your life. 🙌🏼 #ChooseJoy

#love #motivation #fitness #momlife #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #entrepreneur #freedom #networkmarketing #health #healthy #business #success #inspiration #happy #fashion #family #life #goals #workout #marketing #persistence #determinedhustle


❌You want success, but you don’t want to practice until it’s perfect.
❌You want success, but you don’t want to put in the hard work.
❌You want success, but you’re afraid of failure.
❌You want success, but you’re always jumping around from opportunity to opportunity.
❌You want success, but all you really want to do is quit trying.

You must be willing to correct your mindset and have a meeting in the mirror. Success comes the willingness to work for these qualities…NO SHORT CUTS ALLOWED.💪💯

Be Willing to Fail

I’m not much of a basketball fan, but I am a fan of hard work and dedication. After doing some research on Kobe Bryant’s work, I can see that he was truly dedicated to his passion, and put in the hard work required to be one of the greatest. 💯

You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed. You have to be willing to get back up and start again…and again…and again. You have to find your passion of helping others and use it as the motivation to continue. You have to be willing to put in the hard work! 💪

You are NOT Stuck

WHAT you DO does not define WHO you ARE!🎉

I have been in the water industry for 25 years. Last year, I made the decision to no longer let it be my full time job. It was a hard decision to make, mainly because it had been a part of what I did…since I was 19 years old! I was experienced, I was knowledgeable, and I was BORED!🤦‍♀️

YOU are not STUCK in WHAT you DO! If you want more, then BE more! Try new things! Stop caring about other people’s opinions! 🙌

Sometimes, unexpected blessings come in unfamiliar packages…you just have to be willing to open it!🎁