Natural VS Consistency

You’re a natural speaker…um no, I’m passionate about what I have to say, but I had to practice just how to say it where others could understand. 🗣

You’re a natural salesperson…um no, I learned about my products, I use my products, and I share my products because I know they will help others.👏

You’re naturally an encouraging, motitivating person…um well, I invest in personal development and pray that God uses me in such a way.🙏

My point, things don’t always come natural, but through coaching and consistently putting in the practice, they begin to become second nature.🙌

We all Bring Something to the Table

When you’re a part of a family, or a tribe, you bring a talent to the table, and so do the others! I am confident in what I have to offer to the group, AND I recognize my limitations…most of the time!

Right now, I wish John was home from school. I need his “lego brain” and gentle hands right now. He would be able figure out how to get the drawer off the frame so I could get the blue tape off! He would be gentle to not break anything, but persistent to get it done.❤

Sometimes it’s the little things that become big in a time of frustration, but working together they can be solved!🤗

Also, shout out to Lowe’s! All appliances are basically on backorder right now. We thought we were going to get call on October 1st to give us a date of delivery in the next 2 weeks. Instead, I got a call last night that delivery would come today! 🎉🎉

Deep Breath

I had to take a ⒹⒺⒺⓅ ⒷⓇⒺⒶⓉⒽ this morning.🤦‍♀️

When plans don’t go correctly, or another’s lack or delay of decision creates chaos for your morning, its easy to say the first thing that comes to mind. But those words are not always useful or helpful to the situation. 🤷‍♀️

School was canceled this morning due to potential flooding from Tropical Storm Beta…it was canceled after I had already dropped off the boys at school. It would be easy to become a keyboard warrior and blast the district for it’s lack of early action, but those words from me would not be useful or helpful. Instead, I am thankful that we are now all home safe and dry, and school will continue online. 🤗

A ⒹⒺⒺⓅ ⒷⓇⒺⒶⓉⒽ and ᎶᏒᎪᏟᎬ can go a long way!

tomballisd #tomballtx #choosejoy #perspective #momlife

Take care of your Skin

You can change your hair color and length. 💇🏻‍♀️
You can change your eye color. 👀
You can straighten or replace your teeth. 😬
You can thicken or thin out your eyebrows. 🤨

The only thing we can’t change is our skin! We can’t replace it, and we can’t change the color or the shape. We must take care of it! 💯

Hydration, nutrition, and even gut health are all important to add to your skincare routine. Cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen matter! 💦

And ladies PLEASE take off your makeup and especially eye makeup each night before bed! Your skin needs the time of restoration during the night, and your sheets will be cleaner! 😍

Back in the Gym

Yes! I’m back at the gym. 💪

This journey is hard. Nutrition, diet and exercise are the 3 keys needed for success in my health journey. 💯

Oh, and let’s add mindset! I’m determined to be persistent in this part of the journey too!🎯

Anyone want to join me? 🤔

#persistence #determinedhustle #choosejoy #2020vision #premiumlifestyle #premiumnutrition #wahm #womenhelpingwomen #opportunity

You are Enough

Maybe the only reason you think you’re not good enough is because you’re letting other people define your worth.


You are more than enough.
You always have been.
You’ve just been lost for a little while.
Welcome back.

YOU are beautifully & wonderfully made.
You’re not perfect.. but who is?

Stop letting people define you.
Stop letting people determine your worth.
Stop people pleasing.
Let that weight off your shoulders.
Just love them. Everybody. Always.

Be undeniably Y O U
Be uniquely Y O U

God has made beautiful things…and He also made you. ❤️

Check your Pride

⏩You will choose to be thankful or unthankful.
…Recognize or over look blessings.
…Acknowledge kindness or ignore it.
⏩You decide whether you are ungrateful or grateful….
Whether you are a whiner or worshiper! 😳

“Well…. you don’t know what I’ve been through!” #STOP 🔴 That is a VICTIM mentality!! #CheckYourPride

Stop looking back, forgive your past and pursue your destiny!! 🙌🏼

Only YOU are responsible for your choices.
Make that obstacle your testimony!! 🙌🏼

#choosejoy #persistence #determinedhustle

qualified #recreated #noexcuses #growthmindset

Work Habit

Can I be real for a moment? 🤔

When I was in the water industry, I had a killer work habit. I knew how to sit down and get things done! I could produce the reports, the invoices, the work orders…. whatever was needed, and be successful. I was on time to meetings and knew how to follow up! 💪

Working from home? Well that’s another story…🤦‍♀️

This month, I am concentrating on a daily schedule, a routine that works for me and produces! This is WAR to get me back into production and success!
Woman Anchored in Routine 💥

I WILL create that killer work habit that I know is necessary for me to succeed! 💯

Let me know if you’re struggling with this too. I would love to encourage you and help be accountable! ❤


Failures are life’s lessons on what didn’t work; not a reason to give up. Keep going until you find what works! 💯

Today I was reminded of a conversation from 4 years ago where I finally found success in finding the right nutritional program for me. I struggled for years, and I knew what I was doing on my own was not working! I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! 🤷‍♀️

Sometimes success is right in front of us… in an unfamiliar package. We are scared of the unknown, but I reached a point where the fear of staying the same was greater! 💥

Have you reached that point yet? Let’s go over some options that works best for you! 🤗

persistence #lifelessons #options #premiumlifestyle #premiumnutrition #womenhelpingwomen #opportunity #confident #personaldevelopment #determinedhustle #choosejoy #failures

The Unsavory

The other day I was at a restuarant that serves breakfast. While the food was yummy, the smells of breakfast foods… mainly bacon grease, was absorbed into my hair. 🤦‍♀️ Just by being in it’s presence, the unsavory smell was absorbed.

This got me thinking, what else unsavory is absorbed into your life just by being in it’s presence? What unsavory thoughts go through your head just from listening to…..(fill in the blank.) How do the people you surround yourself with influence you? 🙄

What goes in, usually comes out in our lives. We need to be aware of our outside influences in our lives, and be the positive, loving influence to others. 😍

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
Philippians 4:8