New Creation- You!

Transformation Tuesday! Take a step today towards your new creation!

It could be a change in your mentality….building that mental muscle to overcome hard things.💭

It could be a physical change…working out and following your diet regularly instead of haphazardly.💪

I could be a financial change…exploring new options to create a residual income that helps you pay off debt or invest in your future. 💲

Make the effort today! And I am always here to help!❤


Sometimes family conversations are hard. Why? Because food is important. 🤣
Too much
Too little
Nutrition needs
And let’s not forget the question of…does it taste good?🤷‍♀️

So here I am…just a mom…begging her guys to eat what was prepared…trying to balance the diet needs of mom and dad against the growing needs of 2 athletic, teenage boys. 🤣

Back in the Gym

Yes! I’m back at the gym. 💪

This journey is hard. Nutrition, diet and exercise are the 3 keys needed for success in my health journey. 💯

Oh, and let’s add mindset! I’m determined to be persistent in this part of the journey too!🎯

Anyone want to join me? 🤔

#persistence #determinedhustle #choosejoy #2020vision #premiumlifestyle #premiumnutrition #wahm #womenhelpingwomen #opportunity


Do you remember when cell phones came out? Living in Texas, I was happy with my plan that covered the entire state. In other words, as long as I stayed in Texas, I had “free” calls, but if I left the state, it was changed to ROAMING and I was charged a premium!

This still applies to my life – ROAMING costs a premium! 🙄💲
When I roam away from God, my life gets hard! 🤦‍♀️
When I roam away from my routine in business, the premium cost is high with a lack of income. 💲
When I roam away from my personal relationships, the cost is encouragement or even personal development. 🤗
Roaming away from my weightloss goals, the premium cost is pounds or inches. 🙄

ROAMING costs you a premium in your life. Are you willing to pay the price? 💵🤔


TODAY could be…
Your last day of struggling.
Your last day of headaches.
Your last day of exhaustion.
Your last day of hitting snooze.
Your last day of discomfort and digestive issues.
Your last day of negativity.
Your last day of irritability.
Your last day living in a fog.
Your last day of saying “just survive this day”.

Your only obstacle is a decision you keep putting off!

YES! 3 very simple steps done in the first 20-40 minutes of your day can provide you with all of that and then some! Stop putting off taking care of yourself! There’s a New Year SPECIAL that ends tomorrow! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

#justask #energy #happiness #feelgood #dontbelieveme #tryme #youdeserveit #messageme #ChooseJoy #simple #effective #worthit #persistence #determinedhustle

The Unsavory

The other day I was at a restuarant that serves breakfast. While the food was yummy, the smells of breakfast foods… mainly bacon grease, was absorbed into my hair. 🤦‍♀️ Just by being in it’s presence, the unsavory smell was absorbed.

This got me thinking, what else unsavory is absorbed into your life just by being in it’s presence? What unsavory thoughts go through your head just from listening to…..(fill in the blank.) How do the people you surround yourself with influence you? 🙄

What goes in, usually comes out in our lives. We need to be aware of our outside influences in our lives, and be the positive, loving influence to others. 😍

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
Philippians 4:8


My word for 2020 is Persistence. Finding this word was hard for me this year, but after praying about it, the definition sealed it for me.

Persistence – firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

This is what I will focus on this year! It’s a word that I will apply to all aspects of my life…spiritual, financial, business development, relationships…


persistence #determined #choosejoy #personaldevelopment #premiumlifestyle #lifelessons #conversation #options #entrepreneurlife #mompreneur #womenhelpingwomen #goals #growthmindset #confident #dreams

Last 90 Days Check In

Last90Days check in!

October 1st, I started the challenge inspired by Rachel Hollis where you intentionally live the last 90 days of the year as intentionally as you would the first 30 days if the new year. Along with a gratitude and dreams journal, we track our 5 to Thrive; 5 daily activities which includes dining more water, moving your body for 30 minutes daily, and giving up one food that does not bless your body.

Richard and I have given up carbs for the 90 days and are following the keto diet. This has been an easy diet to add to our premium nutrition that we get daily from our 3 simple steps. I’m excited to say that in the last 60 days, I’ve lost 24.8 lbs! 💪

While I don’t always complete all 5 items each day, I have been able to stick with my diet every day even through Thanksgiving! One more month of holiday celebrations, and I’m happy to have a strong habit built going into December. 😍

determined #choosejoy #betterme #newme #joyinthejourney #premiumlifestyle #premiumnutrition

Last 90 Days

I’ve participated in the Last 90 Days Challenge this month, which is ongoing until the end of the year. It has introduced 5 good habits into my daily routine. One includes drinking half your weight in ounces of water each day, and another includes giving up a food that does not bless your body. 🤗

The water goal is a hard one for me to hit daily, but I am drinking way more than I normally did, and the benefits are there. Some people in the challenge are giving up a food for 30 days and then changing to a different food the following month. Richard and I decided to use this time to give up most carbs and follow the Keto diet during the entire 90 days. 🤯

I have NOT cheated AT ALL during October! I’m down 14.4 lbs for the month. I feel good, and I’m happy that my 3 simple steps help me further reach my goals! In November I’ll even get to add a new amino acid formula to my steps to help build lean muscles! I feel good, and I’m ready to live my best life! 💪

What about you? Are you growing? Are you living the life you deserve? If your answer in No, then message me so we can talk about options. It’s time to live life out loud! 😍