We all Bring Something to the Table

When you’re a part of a family, or a tribe, you bring a talent to the table, and so do the others! I am confident in what I have to offer to the group, AND I recognize my limitations…most of the time!

Right now, I wish John was home from school. I need his “lego brain” and gentle hands right now. He would be able figure out how to get the drawer off the frame so I could get the blue tape off! He would be gentle to not break anything, but persistent to get it done.❤

Sometimes it’s the little things that become big in a time of frustration, but working together they can be solved!🤗

Also, shout out to Lowe’s! All appliances are basically on backorder right now. We thought we were going to get call on October 1st to give us a date of delivery in the next 2 weeks. Instead, I got a call last night that delivery would come today! 🎉🎉

Who are you Surrounded By?

Woah!!! Insane reality by my friend!
”I just graduated college with $100,000 in debt”, but can’t get a job that remotely pays my debt… yeah, people clap, celebrate, and even hug you.

“I just got a loan for $400,000 to buy my first home”, that you really can’t afford, yeah people clap, celebrate, and even hug you.

“I just got a loan for $40,000 for a new car”, drive off the lot and the value decreases $10,000…yeah people clap celebrate and even hug you.

That’s $540,000 in total debt most people are living in (add a few hundred thousand for those living in Southern California), but they are feeling good about it because they are being celebrated for it.

Now, go tell those same people you invested a couple hundred dollars to start your own business…

“Whoa, are you sure?” ◀️
“What are you going to do if it doesn’t work?”◀️
“Umm.. I don’t think those things really work”◀️
“Do you think you can get your money back?”◀️
“I don’t believe in those things (i.e i don’t believe in you)!” ◀️

🦀 Picture a bucket full of crabs with no lid… the crabs never escape the bucket. The moment a crab tries to get out of the bucket, the other crabs pull it back down.

Pay attention to who you are surrounding yourself with and who is speaking into your life!!!

I jumped out of the bucket. I grabbed as many people that would hold on and took them with me! We are a tribe over 60 strong and we’ve never looked back.

▶️I’m sure!
▶️The products speak for themselves.
▶️Ive built a residual income
▶️my business of free to join and free to run!
▶️believing in MYSELF was all it took!

#besmart #growthisoptional #celebratesuccess #persistence #determinedhustle #freedom #choosejoy

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Social media is a tough place to participate in daily. 🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s a place where people share through the lens of love and kindness, but also through the lens of fear and negativity. We have to choose how we will participate…which lens will we use? 🤔

We have to not only filter what we post, but filter out the negativity and fear of others. It is an influence to our daily mental grind and actions towards others.

Today is Random Acts of Kindness today. Do something kind for a stranger. Do something kind for a friend. Do something kind for a family member. Pay for the prison behind you in the drive through. Not going out today? Send a note in the mail or through messenger to brighten a friend’s day. Big or small, the act is never wasted. 🌞🤗🥰

The Unsavory

The other day I was at a restuarant that serves breakfast. While the food was yummy, the smells of breakfast foods… mainly bacon grease, was absorbed into my hair. 🤦‍♀️ Just by being in it’s presence, the unsavory smell was absorbed.

This got me thinking, what else unsavory is absorbed into your life just by being in it’s presence? What unsavory thoughts go through your head just from listening to…..(fill in the blank.) How do the people you surround yourself with influence you? 🙄

What goes in, usually comes out in our lives. We need to be aware of our outside influences in our lives, and be the positive, loving influence to others. 😍

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

More Room

🙌🏼 Y’ALL!

📌 I can’t convince you that taking a chance on yourself or your family is worth it.
📌 I can’t convince you that these products will give you what your body needs just where you need it.
📌 I can’t convince you that You are worth MORE than THE TIME you are trading for money!
🤷🏻‍♀️ All I can do is SHOW you!

My team IS GOOD at what we do!! Very good. How do I so boldly say that? ⏩Because we do it for others⏪

❤️To serve the momma who is tired of being tired
💙To serve the dad who wants to be and feel more present when he comes home
🖤 to serve the college graduate who wants to pay off debt

We’ve got room! Come sit with us!! There’s life changing friendships, opportunity AND growth just on the other side of saying “yes!” 👏🏼🎉🖤

You are a Blade

Who do you hang around with? Do they make you a better person? Do they challenge you to be better? Do they support your dreams and goals, cheer you along the way, and give you a real talk when needed? 🎉

Or do they bring you down? Discourage instead of encourage? Bring criticism and negativity into your life? 🤷‍♀️

My team, my tribe, is always sharpening my blade! It was an unexpected blessing that came when I said yes to an opportunity. The women and men who came into my life when I stepped out of my comfort zone help me be a better person. 💯

That opportunity is available to you too…if you’re ready!💪

Friends of a Lifetime

I would like to talk about these ladies a little. I know this picture is a year and a half old, but this is the last one I have of all of us together. However, that doesn’t really matter because after 32 years of friendship, we are still there for each other no matter the distance that divides us.

I met these ladies when I was 12 years old. We had just moved to Sugar Land from Tulsa. I was the new girl at school and then at church, but these girls embraced me and have never let go. We went to junior high and high school together, and then college took us in different directions. College graduation had us spread out all over the state of Texas, yet we stayed together. Marriage and kids kept us together in the celebrations, yet apart in the daily family activites that continues to pull at our attention.

Yet in a time of need, we are still there for each other! We pray for each other and our families. We can still pick up the phone and continue our conversation like we had just spoken yesterday instead of months ago. I am thankful for this group of ladies. I’m thankful that the years keep adding on to our friendship. I pray that our kids find friends like these…friends for a lifetime! ❤

Leaders are Readers

We’ve heard this phrase before. In fact, we’ve even told it to our kids in an effort to encourage them to read. 📖

Not only must leaders read books in an effort to continue to grow, but they also must read others too. A leader must be able to read others and help them determine their potential or position in the team. 👀

Leaders must help read into the future. I’m not talking about necessarily being a prophet, lol, but being able to persue the goal and anticipate challenges along the way. 👁

A leader must also be able to read themselves! They must be able to conduct an evaluation of their efforts and change accordingly. They must be able to continue to grow in order to help contribute to the team. 😉

Remember to continue to invest in yourself. Grow daily in your leadership skills, it compounds!❤

Less Criticism

Rachel Hollis was on a roll the other day, and I’ve been thinking about this further! She didn’t care about what was said about her, but her point in talking about the criticism she received about a podcast was about why people criticize others at all. Someone stopped what they were doing yesterday just to write a bad review. How could time be better spent? How about being creative? 🗣

Oh the power of words! When we are critical of each other, what actually gets accomplished? Nothing much! 🤷‍♀️ However, what happens when we use our creativity? Beautiful things can be made, moments are created, and the world is better! 😍

But let’s not forget about the critical things we say to ourselves! The phrases that are repeated inside our own heads daily. How can we change those thoughts? Yesterday, I talked about the tool of imagination that God gave each of us. What if we used that tool and became creative with the our daily thoughts? What if we visualized the positive changes that are coming? What if we changed? Oh what can we create? 🎉

Need help or ideas on where to begin? Try reading! A great list was started on my Facebook post yesterday! I know I’ve added to my own wish list.📖 Growing mentally and spiritually is a great way start that creativity going! 💪


Following watching Rachel Hollis’ Made for More Encore last week, I am covering the 5 items to success that she covered in her training at the end.

What is your Community like? Who are the 5 people that you spend the most time with on a regular basis? Are you the smartest person in your group? Think sincerely on who you surround yourself with on a regular basis.

Are you surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people? What does like-minded mean? For me, it means someone that applies Christian principles, someone who wants to work hard for their goals, someone who is kind and thoughtful of others, someone who continues to learn, and someone who doesn’t let other people’s opinions get in the way of going after their dreams.

Rachel says that Proximity is Power. If you are surrounding yourself with negative people, then you will be negative. If you are surrounding yourself with people that are lazy sloughs, then you will become lazy. If you surround yourself with positive, determined, hardworking people then you will run after your goals too!

Do you need to clean out the negative, lazy people from your life. Most likely the answer is yes! If they are family, that may not be so easy, but you can limit the amount of time they can influence over you. I’ve had to this myself, and quite frankly, I’m glad that I did! Through prayer and personal development, I’ve become more confident, more courageous, and more determined to grow spiritual and mentally. And the people that I surround myself with encourage me to go for it all! Find your tribe!!