Balance vs Rythm

What do the following have in common:
Big Foot
Loch Ness Monster
Balance in Life

They have all been fabled to be true! 🤣

Why do we believe still look for balance in life? Balance between work and family…between expectation and reality…between free time and to do lists…between hustle and self care…between health and wellness.

We must find a rthymn to life. Maybe that means having something to look forward to during the crazy, busy times. Prepare for the upcoming week during the weekend reviewing meetings and appointments, meal planning, and making sure everything is covered. Time block what is important so you can adjust for emergencies.

When we let go of the illusion of balance, we can find our rhythm. I’m thankful for the premium nutrition that give me the energy to just keep going! Message me if you need help!❤

Deep Breath

I had to take a ⒹⒺⒺⓅ ⒷⓇⒺⒶⓉⒽ this morning.🤦‍♀️

When plans don’t go correctly, or another’s lack or delay of decision creates chaos for your morning, its easy to say the first thing that comes to mind. But those words are not always useful or helpful to the situation. 🤷‍♀️

School was canceled this morning due to potential flooding from Tropical Storm Beta…it was canceled after I had already dropped off the boys at school. It would be easy to become a keyboard warrior and blast the district for it’s lack of early action, but those words from me would not be useful or helpful. Instead, I am thankful that we are now all home safe and dry, and school will continue online. 🤗

A ⒹⒺⒺⓅ ⒷⓇⒺⒶⓉⒽ and ᎶᏒᎪᏟᎬ can go a long way!

tomballisd #tomballtx #choosejoy #perspective #momlife


Do you remember when cell phones came out? Living in Texas, I was happy with my plan that covered the entire state. In other words, as long as I stayed in Texas, I had “free” calls, but if I left the state, it was changed to ROAMING and I was charged a premium!

This still applies to my life – ROAMING costs a premium! 🙄💲
When I roam away from God, my life gets hard! 🤦‍♀️
When I roam away from my routine in business, the premium cost is high with a lack of income. 💲
When I roam away from my personal relationships, the cost is encouragement or even personal development. 🤗
Roaming away from my weightloss goals, the premium cost is pounds or inches. 🙄

ROAMING costs you a premium in your life. Are you willing to pay the price? 💵🤔

Work Habit

Can I be real for a moment? 🤔

When I was in the water industry, I had a killer work habit. I knew how to sit down and get things done! I could produce the reports, the invoices, the work orders…. whatever was needed, and be successful. I was on time to meetings and knew how to follow up! 💪

Working from home? Well that’s another story…🤦‍♀️

This month, I am concentrating on a daily schedule, a routine that works for me and produces! This is WAR to get me back into production and success!
Woman Anchored in Routine 💥

I WILL create that killer work habit that I know is necessary for me to succeed! 💯

Let me know if you’re struggling with this too. I would love to encourage you and help be accountable! ❤


Is your mind racing around with little focus? 🐿 #squirrel

Or do you have a plan, it’s written down and put in a place for you to focus? 🎯

Habbakuk 2:2 says,
“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

God tells us to write our goals down, to focus on the them, and then to run! So focus on your goals, and then put in the work! Your focus determines your reality! 💯👀💪

#persistence #determinedhustle #choosejoy #2020vision #goals #growthmindset #premiumlifestyle #lifelessons #conversation #options #entrepreneurlife #womenhelpingwomen #opportunity #wahm #focus #runtowardsyourgoals

The Unsavory

The other day I was at a restuarant that serves breakfast. While the food was yummy, the smells of breakfast foods… mainly bacon grease, was absorbed into my hair. 🤦‍♀️ Just by being in it’s presence, the unsavory smell was absorbed.

This got me thinking, what else unsavory is absorbed into your life just by being in it’s presence? What unsavory thoughts go through your head just from listening to…..(fill in the blank.) How do the people you surround yourself with influence you? 🙄

What goes in, usually comes out in our lives. We need to be aware of our outside influences in our lives, and be the positive, loving influence to others. 😍

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
Philippians 4:8


My word for 2020 is Persistence. Finding this word was hard for me this year, but after praying about it, the definition sealed it for me.

Persistence – firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

This is what I will focus on this year! It’s a word that I will apply to all aspects of my life…spiritual, financial, business development, relationships…


persistence #determined #choosejoy #personaldevelopment #premiumlifestyle #lifelessons #conversation #options #entrepreneurlife #mompreneur #womenhelpingwomen #goals #growthmindset #confident #dreams


Sometimes I just don’t feel like doing certain things. 🤦‍♀️ Who can relate? 🙋‍♀️ Ugh!

It doesn’t even have to be something hard either. It could just be that I’m feeling lazy, and don’t want to get out of bed on cold mornings! Or taking my makeup off at night! 🤷‍♀️

Sometimes, we allow our “feelings” to get in the way of our goals. I want to build positive habits that become second nature to me, just as I did when I learned to brush my teeth daily. Habits that are ingrained into my daily routine. Habits that when completed, help me towards my goals my dreams. Determination is the only thing can help me with the transition though. You have to find it within yourself!💯

Determine Your Future

What are you thinking right now? 🤔

Good or positive thoughts?💬
I’m going knock off things from my to do list!
I’m going to finish getting the decorations done tonight.
I am brave enough to go after my dreams.
I am going to lose those last 10 lbs.

Bad or negative thoughts? 💬
I never have time to get anything done.
No one ever listens to me.
I never have any self control so why bother trying to lose those last 10 lbs.
My dreams will never come true… they will eventually fade and I’ll just have to get over it.

It’s time to #choosejoy. It’s time to take control of you…your thoughts and your actions. You were fearfully and wonderfully made! It is intended for you to live life abundantly! The choice is yours. Do something! 💪💯😍