Balance vs Rythm

What do the following have in common:
Big Foot
Loch Ness Monster
Balance in Life

They have all been fabled to be true! 🤣

Why do we believe still look for balance in life? Balance between work and family…between expectation and reality…between free time and to do lists…between hustle and self care…between health and wellness.

We must find a rthymn to life. Maybe that means having something to look forward to during the crazy, busy times. Prepare for the upcoming week during the weekend reviewing meetings and appointments, meal planning, and making sure everything is covered. Time block what is important so you can adjust for emergencies.

When we let go of the illusion of balance, we can find our rhythm. I’m thankful for the premium nutrition that give me the energy to just keep going! Message me if you need help!❤

Deep Breath

I had to take a ⒹⒺⒺⓅ ⒷⓇⒺⒶⓉⒽ this morning.🤦‍♀️

When plans don’t go correctly, or another’s lack or delay of decision creates chaos for your morning, its easy to say the first thing that comes to mind. But those words are not always useful or helpful to the situation. 🤷‍♀️

School was canceled this morning due to potential flooding from Tropical Storm Beta…it was canceled after I had already dropped off the boys at school. It would be easy to become a keyboard warrior and blast the district for it’s lack of early action, but those words from me would not be useful or helpful. Instead, I am thankful that we are now all home safe and dry, and school will continue online. 🤗

A ⒹⒺⒺⓅ ⒷⓇⒺⒶⓉⒽ and ᎶᏒᎪᏟᎬ can go a long way!

tomballisd #tomballtx #choosejoy #perspective #momlife

Be Willing to Fail

I’m not much of a basketball fan, but I am a fan of hard work and dedication. After doing some research on Kobe Bryant’s work, I can see that he was truly dedicated to his passion, and put in the hard work required to be one of the greatest. 💯

You have to be willing to fail in order to succeed. You have to be willing to get back up and start again…and again…and again. You have to find your passion of helping others and use it as the motivation to continue. You have to be willing to put in the hard work! 💪


Sometimes I just don’t feel like doing certain things. 🤦‍♀️ Who can relate? 🙋‍♀️ Ugh!

It doesn’t even have to be something hard either. It could just be that I’m feeling lazy, and don’t want to get out of bed on cold mornings! Or taking my makeup off at night! 🤷‍♀️

Sometimes, we allow our “feelings” to get in the way of our goals. I want to build positive habits that become second nature to me, just as I did when I learned to brush my teeth daily. Habits that are ingrained into my daily routine. Habits that when completed, help me towards my goals my dreams. Determination is the only thing can help me with the transition though. You have to find it within yourself!💯

Frustrated and Proud

This boy can frustrate me and make me proud all in the same day! 🤷‍♀️

Robby gets on the soccer field every weekend and transforms right before my eyes. He is focused on his position, he communicates with his teammates, and he can do throw-ins and passes like no other. He loves the game and his team. ⚽️

He’s also my “what” kid. He plays video games or watches YouTube and tunes all others out to the point of actually not listening or hearing what you just said to him. He’s loud and crazy with his brother and usually has to be told to do something multiple times.🤦‍♀️

Lord only knows that I’m tough on my boys. I’m raising young men, and I realize that I only have so much time with them. I want them to be successful in the workplace, to learn how to respect and love their wife, and how to honor and serve God. Robby is funny and thoughtful, he does not want to let anyone down, and will do almost anything for anyone….especially if dessert is involved. I’m proud to be his mom…most of the time. 🤣😍

I’m thankful for my premium nutrition that gives me the energy to keep up with my boys’ schedule, and the patience needed to raise them! ❤

Listening Skills

This morning, I was listening to a leader speak about the art of listening, and this question came to mind. Does the way someone talks, impact the way you listen? 🤔

If someone has an accent, do you listen differently? Because southerners speak slowly, are they dumb? No. Because someone has a northern accent, are they mean? No. Because someone is speaking English as a second language, are they clueless? No. Do Californians speak so fast that there is no way they are listening to us since they are already forming their next thought? No.

Yet, as we listen, are we internalizing those thoughts, and therefore it is affecting the way we listen? Daily, even as adults, we must continue to work on our listening skills. Listening is the second part of communication that often is overlooked… yet it’s a critical part! 🗣👂

I want to be a good listener.😍

Choose Wisely

I once asked a very successful woman to share her secret with me. She smiled and said to me…
“I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters.
I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me…
I stopped fighting with my family…
I stopped fighting for attention…
I stopped fighting to meet peoples expectation of me…
I stopped fighting for my rights with inconsiderate people..
I stopped fighting to please everyone…
I stopped fighting to prove they were wrong about me….
I left such fights for those who have nothing else to fight…
And I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny.
The day I gave up on small fights is the day I started becoming successful & so much more content.”
Some fights are not worth your time….. Choose what you fight for wisely.

Boy Mom

I wear this hat proudly. My boys love when I wear this hat. They love when Richard and I both make it to their games, whether it’s football or soccer. They know we’re there to support them in whatever they choose to participate in. I think they even like it when I scream like a crazy fanatic (see what I did there?) while cheering their team to victory. Yes, they know my voice; no, I don’t yell at the refs, they are human too.🏈

While I am by no means a tiger mom, nor am I a helicopter mom, I do try to be there for everything. I’m not good at hugging sweaty boys, but I’ll give high fives and fist bumps all day long. I do not coddle these young men I’m raising, but instead encourage them to not let their teams down and to give their all on the field of play. Play whatever position the coach puts you in without complaint and do not ask for a sub just because you are hot. Suck it up buttercup is a common phrase at our house. We do not talk about the faults of other players because we have no control over them, your responsibility is to make sure you are playing your best, listen to the coach and be coachable. ⚽️

It’s hard to parent a teenager, an athlete, a child. Each stage of a child’s life brings another challenge. How hard do you push your child to be their best? I’m learning that you have to push and then pull back often. They have to learn the life lessons on their own sometimes. They must go after their own goals and put in the work themselves. 💪

And I will be the cheering them on all the way!🎉🎉

Good for Great

Think of all the good things in life…you know, your likes… Think of the shows you like to watch on TV. The money you like to spend. The sweets you like to bake.🤔

Now, what if you exchanged those for something great? What if you gave up something you liked in order to have something you love? It may take time. It may take effort. It may take work, but don’t you think in the end it would be totally worth it? What can you sacrifice now to have something great? ❤

Mom Moments

In those moments when I look around the room and see the evidence of what teenagers can leave behind- nerf darts, socks on the stairs, trash that was in front of them all morning but still didn’t make it outside to the cans, throw blankets bundled on the couch, laundry left in the dryer, and cereal box left on the table….I remember to be thankful. 🤗

I’m thankful that they each do their own laundry, and I don’t have to touch stinky athletic clothes. I’m thankful that in the hustle of the morning routine, they get their own breakfast and make their own lunch, and the mess left behind is evidence of the personal responsibility they are learning. 💪

The nerf darts are examples that they still like to play, and even though they are teenagers now, they do not always sequester themselves in their rooms all the time. The blankets on the couch is there as a reminder of the family movie night from last night, and I’m thankful they still like spending time with the family. 😍

Yes, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the clutter and mess, but it’s evidence of so much more – love and lessons! And isn’t that what family is all about?! 😉