Balance vs Rythm

What do the following have in common:
Big Foot
Loch Ness Monster
Balance in Life

They have all been fabled to be true! 🤣

Why do we believe still look for balance in life? Balance between work and family…between expectation and reality…between free time and to do lists…between hustle and self care…between health and wellness.

We must find a rthymn to life. Maybe that means having something to look forward to during the crazy, busy times. Prepare for the upcoming week during the weekend reviewing meetings and appointments, meal planning, and making sure everything is covered. Time block what is important so you can adjust for emergencies.

When we let go of the illusion of balance, we can find our rhythm. I’m thankful for the premium nutrition that give me the energy to just keep going! Message me if you need help!❤

Work Habit

Can I be real for a moment? 🤔

When I was in the water industry, I had a killer work habit. I knew how to sit down and get things done! I could produce the reports, the invoices, the work orders…. whatever was needed, and be successful. I was on time to meetings and knew how to follow up! 💪

Working from home? Well that’s another story…🤦‍♀️

This month, I am concentrating on a daily schedule, a routine that works for me and produces! This is WAR to get me back into production and success!
Woman Anchored in Routine 💥

I WILL create that killer work habit that I know is necessary for me to succeed! 💯

Let me know if you’re struggling with this too. I would love to encourage you and help be accountable! ❤


TODAY could be…
Your last day of struggling.
Your last day of headaches.
Your last day of exhaustion.
Your last day of hitting snooze.
Your last day of discomfort and digestive issues.
Your last day of negativity.
Your last day of irritability.
Your last day living in a fog.
Your last day of saying “just survive this day”.

Your only obstacle is a decision you keep putting off!

YES! 3 very simple steps done in the first 20-40 minutes of your day can provide you with all of that and then some! Stop putting off taking care of yourself! There’s a New Year SPECIAL that ends tomorrow! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

#justask #energy #happiness #feelgood #dontbelieveme #tryme #youdeserveit #messageme #ChooseJoy #simple #effective #worthit #persistence #determinedhustle

No Distractions

What is distracting you today from achieving your goals? 🤔

Sometimes, I feel like my biggest distraction is laziness. 🤷‍♀️ But is it really laziness or procrastination due to fear? Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or just fear of rejection?

Another distraction from me is busy work, that while necessary, it’s not income producing activity. 🙄

Last week I discussed scheduling my priorities. So on my list if daily activities, I must schedule my IPA items first, and then I can do the other stuff last if there is time left. I’m in charge of goals to achieve my dreams, but I must remember to stay focused on my calling! 😍

Frustrated and Proud

This boy can frustrate me and make me proud all in the same day! 🤷‍♀️

Robby gets on the soccer field every weekend and transforms right before my eyes. He is focused on his position, he communicates with his teammates, and he can do throw-ins and passes like no other. He loves the game and his team. ⚽️

He’s also my “what” kid. He plays video games or watches YouTube and tunes all others out to the point of actually not listening or hearing what you just said to him. He’s loud and crazy with his brother and usually has to be told to do something multiple times.🤦‍♀️

Lord only knows that I’m tough on my boys. I’m raising young men, and I realize that I only have so much time with them. I want them to be successful in the workplace, to learn how to respect and love their wife, and how to honor and serve God. Robby is funny and thoughtful, he does not want to let anyone down, and will do almost anything for anyone….especially if dessert is involved. I’m proud to be his mom…most of the time. 🤣😍

I’m thankful for my premium nutrition that gives me the energy to keep up with my boys’ schedule, and the patience needed to raise them! ❤

Schedule your Priorities

It’s Friday!🎉

Let’s look back at our week and everything we got done or hoped to get done. What did you accomplish? Not much? 🤷‍♀️

I can relate! It’s something I’m working hard on improving! I want to be more intentional with my time so that I actually get the things done that are a real priority to me.

I know that I work best with a deadline, but that usually only applies when I’m accountable to someone else. When I have an order to fill or a request for help from church, I have no problem getting these things done on a timely basis. However, if it’s a priority for myself, my personal business, or my home, these things usually get pushed to the side because there is no urgency in completing them…even though its important to me.🤦‍♀️

It’s time to take back my schedule. On Sundays I will create a plan of action for the week. I will put on the calendar all of my family priorities such as games or meetings, and then I will start intentionally adding my personal priorities to the schedule. Let’s see what I can actually accomplish by next week when I evaluate how things went. The list of accomplishment has to be longer than this week was. 🤣

Serve your Spouse

I have to brag on my husband today! I got up super early on Saturday to get ready for a vendor event across town. I had several things to get done before I could leave, and the list was long.

My husband, who had his own list of things he wanted to get done, put my needs first without me even knowing. When it was time for me to go, he had removed the soccer stuff from the back of my vehicle, reloaded the SUV with my things needed for the event, had breakfast packed and ready for me to eat on the road, and an ice chest packed with waters, lunch and and goodies so I could stay out all day. What a blessing!

Ladies, serve your man, and be his helpmate! If you’re not already married, look for a man that is willing to serve you too. The little acts of kindness towards each other go so much further than just words. I can imagine doing life with anyone else!❤

Serve Others

Do you have a place to serve others? It’s important!

I feel if everyone does something, one person (or a few) won’t have to do everything! 🙋‍♀️

I know with our busy schedules, we start having the mentality that someone else will step up to help. God has called us all to serve, and in most cases it’s not hard!

A little time, a little effort, can make a huge difference in a person’s life. Just start somewhere! ❤

In 10 Years…

In 10 years, I absolutely refuse to say:

🙏🏽 I wish I would have spent more time with them.
🙏🏽 I wish I would have stayed home in the summers with them.
🙏🏽 I wish I would have made them a priority. ⠀
🙏🏽 I wish I would have soaked up every minute with them.
🙏🏽 I wish I played more with them.
🙏🏽I wish I was more present with them.

I know exactly where my time goes and it passes by with THEM! 🙎‍♂️🙎‍♂️

Ten years will come and go regardless of how we spend our days. 💁🏻‍♀️ I will have zero regrets, a full savings of memories AND money. 💯 Yes. I run a business to make money…who doesn’t? The difference is i don’t have to trade time and memories for it. ✌🏼

❤️You can create a life you love my friend!❤️

Christmas is the same day every year

If my siblings are reading this, they are groaning right now. The words above have come out of my father’s mouth a time or two. We groan because he’s right, we groan because we know we are still going to be late with sending our gifts.

This day did not sneak up on us. It’s December 25th every year, no matter what day of the week it falls on. That’s our deadline for gifts, cards, and parties. Can you do any of these things after December 25th? Of course! But are they really for Christmas, or are they for the New Year?

It is up to us to manage our own time. It is up to us to set our daily, weekly, and monthly priorities and goals. We should not let time manage us. This happens when we over commit ourselves.

I admitted to my husband on Friday night that I had over committed myself for things this coming week. I did this to myself by not saying NO, I did this to myself by not signing up for simpler items, and I did this to myself so I will fulfill my commitments. I talked it out, and came up with a plan. He helped me consider curveballs that may come at me this week, so I am prepared with a plan B if necessary.

I will not let busyness be an excuse to fulfill my commitments. I will not let busyness be an excuse to not go after my goals. Busy people get things done. It’s crunch time! I will be patient and kind, I will offer grace to others, and I will choose joy in my circumstances.

The good news for me is that I don’t have to mail my gifts to my dad. We will deliver them ourselves when we go visit him…after Christmas. Yes, I see the irony in my statement, but this is how we balance.